We want everyone to make the most out of this community, so please adhere to these guidelines:
Be respectful to each other.
All posts should be professional and courteous. You have every right to disagree with your fellow community members and explain your perspective.
Keep posts relevant to the topic.
No spamming.
Don't post any sensitive information.
Link to content rather than posting it in its entirety.
Do not offer to work for hire, we are not against paid services but this is a place for community discussion, not advertising.
Do not create multiple or fake accounts, accounts without real identities will not be given membership.
Do not send private messages to any users asking for help. If you need help, make a new discussion/post, and then the whole community can help and benefit.
Post a descriptive topic name by giving a short summary of your topic of discussion.
Any post not adhering to these guidelines may be deleted.